
AI Detector

Simply paste your content below, and we will swiftly and accurately determine if any part of it has been generated by AI*.



✔️ AI Detection

❌ No Cooldown

❌ Priority Access

❌ API Access


✔️ AI Detection

✔️ No Cooldown

✔️ Priority Access

✔️ API Access


What is AI Detector?

AI Detector is a website that allows you to check if any part of your text has been generated by AI. It is a tool that can be used to detect AI generated text, and it is not meant to be used as a way to detect plagiarism.

How does AI Detector work?

AI Detector uses a machine learning model to detect AI generated text. The model was trained on a dataset of 100,000+ AI generated texts and 100,000+ human written texts. The model is able to detect AI generated text with 99% accuracy.

How accurate is AI Detector?

AI Detector is able to detect AI generated text with 99% accuracy. However, it is not perfect, and it may sometimes incorrectly detect human written text as AI generated text.

How can I contact you?

You can contact us at support@ai-detector.nl.


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